Religious School

Temple Israel's Religious School program is designed to introduce children to synagogue life, Jewish ritual, Torah stories, and the Hebrew language. The main goals of the religious school are to: 

  • have the children feel comfortable in the synagogue and become familiar with religious services and how to lead them;
  •  prepare them to be comfortable in any Jewish community with which they come in contact;
  • encourage and nurture the development of their own unique Jewish identities.

Temple Israel offers bar and bat mitzvah training as part of its Religious School program. This includes chanting the Torah from the Torah scroll, chanting the haftorah and leading parts of the service in the synagogue. 

All families, including non-members, are welcome to participate. 

For more information, please contact us.

Adult Education

Adult Torah study occurs after the potluck lunch when there are Shabbat services.  Adults are also encouraged to consider learning to lead parts of the Shabbat or other services.  Special programs will be scheduled from time to time and will be listed in the calendar of events.  Previous programs have included movies, book discussions, and field trips.  Adult Hebrew study is also available.

Adult B'nai Mitzvah

Many Jewish adults did not formally mark becoming b'nai mitzvah. This is an exciting opportunity for them, as well as for someone who joined the Jewish people as an adult.  We encourage every adult who is interested in bar and bat mitzvah training to contact us.